Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A simple remote API that modifies WebLogic Portal (WLP) Visitor Entitlements

Recently, I was looking for a simple remote API to modify the visitor entitlement roles available inside of a portal. Specifically, I wanted to check if a role existed, and if it didn't create it. The entire use case is that the role policies are going to be defined in Oracle Entitlements Server (OES) but the policy (assigning or roles to WLP artifacts like desktops and portlets) is going to be handled inside of WLP. We'll leave the OES pieces for another time. The focus on this post is the WLP APIs that are available for manipulating the visitor entitlements.

After reviewing what I knew about WLP Vistor entitlements and scanning the documentation, I presented two approaches to the WLP team - direct modification of the database or some use of the RolePolicyManager. I was pushed towards the API approach - after all - that's what its there for. I was initially leaning towards the database because I wanted to invoke this API simply, and you can do quite a bit with SQL Ant Task. So, off I went to try to figure out how to use the RolePolicyManager.

First of all, I'm not a WLP expert, so if this is a well know issue, then read on, but I had trouble getting Workshop to generate a valid WLP EAR. I had this problem - some issue with the facets being out of whack. Thanks gsmith.

Moving on, now that I had an EAR, the next step was to figure out how to use the RolePolicyManager to search for a role. The first thing that helped was turning on some WLP debugging. I set-up a debug file file this:

# turn on package names for debugging
usePackageNames: on

# append output to mydebug.log file rather than System.err
out.file = mydebug.log on

This dumps out a lot of good information. So, with debug on, and clicking through the WLP Visitor Entitlements screens, I get some output like this:

[] get role policy:
id: type=, EntApp=MyPortalEAR, Webapp=MyWeb, Resource=com_bea_p13n_role_policy_pool, Capability=
policy name: AnonymousVisitor

This lead to my first ah-ha! I was able to return the list of Roles for the web app by making the following API call


com_bea_p13n_role_policy_pool is the resource. The javadoc then tells me that the String [] returned contains role policy names.

At this point, I'm almost there with all of the parameters that I need to create a RolePolicyItem and see if it exists. The only missing piece is the resourceScope. All of the likely values are available on EntitlementsConstant. After some experimenting, the answer is EntitlementConstants.ENT_APP_ROLE_INHERITANCE. I'm now able to check and see if a role policy exists.

com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.RolePolicyItem ri =
new com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.RolePolicyItem();


com.bea.p13n.entitlements.policy.RolePolicyItem ri2 =

if (ri2==null) {

out.println("Role "+role+" added.");

} else {

out.println("Role "+role+" already exists");


If the role doesn't exist it returns null. All that's left is to create the role, and that's a line call. The next time the administrator logs into the portal administration - the role is there :)

One problem that I had to overcome. I'd been invoking this from inside an unprotected JSP. When I go to call the getRolePolicy method, I get an exception that I'm not authorized. To work around this, I move the jsp to a folder called admin and protect that folder with BASIC auth and restrict access to only the role Admin which includes the user weblogic. From web.xml:

Admin Resources




and weblogic.xml


So now I have a JSP packaged in a separate EAR that can add a role to any webapp in any ear deployed on the cluster. Also, by placing the JSP in a different WAR and protecting it by BASIC, its pretty simple to go an invoke it remotely. I used cURL

I hope that this post helps other people who need a simple remote API for manipulating the WLP Visitor Entitlements. The techniques discussed (as well as actually looking at the p13 schema) should give you enough information to extend this approach to other operations and scenarios.

1 comment:

  1. Nice technique,

    I am also trying to do something like this. I want to list all the delegated admin roles associated with a portal component.

    any pointers will be of great help.

    Please send the reply to


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