Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Fat Client and SOA - A case for SAML Sender Vouches and STS

The basic scenario is that users need to "log into" their fat client applications, and then go and access some services (let's assume SOAP based) over the internet.

There are a number of questions that drive the solution in a case like this:

  • What directory/data source will users be authenticating to? A local source or a remote source?
  • Are those same directories/data sources readily available to the consuming services?

In the cases where the directory and the services are in the same security domain, and the directory is "readily available", there is no need for something elaborate. I think using the native authentication of the directory (say LDAP) and then passing the users identity to the services as something simple (HTTP Header or WS-Security UsernameToken (no password)) would probably work. Applications can just take the username (or dn) from the request and callback to the directory to get additional information. One last thing, you need to have some mitigation strategy for avoiding people spoofing DNs (adding a DN that isn't there's to the request). The simplest way to is to do the requests over 2-way SSL. Package the certificate with the application and there you go. BTW, the CSF function of OPSS is a nice approach for this user case - relies on Java Security to ensure that only authorized applications can have access to the credential (password for decrypting the private key).

The harder use case is more of a federated model - example, the user needs to authenticate locally, but the services are in another security domain. In this model, if there is additional information that the services need about the user, they need to be passed in some form. I think that SAML-Sender Vouches works nicely here. So, the application authenticates locally and then gets a SAML Assertion, signed by the issuer. The SAML Assertion could/should contain additional information needed by the service - groups/roles/attributes etc. The SAML Assertion is added to the message and the message is signed.

This is actual a good use case for an STS. Basically, the STS is taking username and password in and returning a SAML Assertion for the service. Think of it as a standards based authentication service, where the standard is WS-Trust. The stand-alone application can just be configured to point to the local STS and the application is done - no need to specify support for LDAP, RDBMS...that's left to the local deployment.

The reality is that you could actually solve the first scenario with SAML/STS it may just be overkill, but starting with this architecture does provide much more flexible business models. For example, some customers of the service want to authenticate locally, while others want to authenticate centrally. Not a problem. Its simply a matter of configuration. In the fully federated case, the centralized service trust the local authentication and can avoid the headache of password management. That issue can be pushed out to local directories - at least that's the vision.

1 comment:

  1. Your explanation is great. But why are you saying its only for "fat clients" - the explanation is true for any clients. If it has access to local LDAP where the service is then no need to use SAML, if it is crossing domains then SAML helps to pass authentication info.


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